ISSN: 1300 - 6525 E-ISSN: 2149 - 0880
journal of ear nose throat
and head neck surgery
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Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of the Mandible
Mandibular Anevrizmal Kemik Kisti
KBB ve BBC Dergisi, 13 (2-3): 85-87, 2005
Copyright © 2020 by Turkey Association of Society of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Aneurysmal bone cyst is found usually in long bones and spine and is rarely seen in facial bones. Aneurysmal bone cyst most commonly affects mandible in face and maxilla secondly. It is usually seen in first and second decades and the symptoms are pain, paresthesia, trismus, palpable lymph nodes, fever and exoftalmus. Curretage is the most frequently employed treatment modality. Other treatment options are bloc resection and reconstruction, therapeutic embolisation. Recurrence rate is 20–60 % in long bones however recurrence is rare in jaw bones.
Anevrizmal kemik kisti çoğunlukla uzun kemikleri ve vertebraları tutar. Yüz kemiklerinin tutulumu nadirdir.Yüz kemikleri tutulumunda en sık mandibula, iki nci sıklıkta maksilla etkilenir. Anevrizmal kemik kisti genellikle 1.-2. dekadda görülür ve en sık sikayetler ağrı, parestezi, trismus, palpabl lenf nodları, ates, egzoftalmustur. Tedavide sıklıkla küretaj yapılır. Blok rezeksiyon ve rekonstrüksiyon, terapötik embolizasyon yapılabilir. Uzun kemiklerde rekürrens oranı %20–60 ‘tır, çenede rekürrens nadirdir.