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Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and cover some of the costs of publication. The APC for this journal is currently $250 (USD). It is important to note that the APC applies only to papers that are accepted for publication, after the peer review process. Some items (Editorials, Corrections, Addendums, Retractions, Comments, etc.) are published free of charge.
Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery is the official publication of “Society of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery”. It is published four times in a year, these are February, May, August and November issues. Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery, is a scientific journal that aims to reach all national&international medical societies and to publish retrospective, prospective clinical studies experimental researches, reviews, case reports, editorial comment/discussions, letters to the editor, medical education, scientific letters, surgical techniques, distinctive diagnosis, original images, diagnostic evaluations, medical book reviews, questions-answers and recent issues that determine disorders of ear, nose, throat and head, neck surgery agenda, that may be related with all topics of medicine. Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery commits to rigorous peer review and stipulates freedom from commercial influence, and promotion of the highest ethical and scientific standards in published articles. Neither the Editor(s) nor the publisher guarantees, warrants or endorses any product or service advertised in this publication. Articles are accepted for publication on the condition that they are original, are not under consideration by another journal, or have not been previously published. Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner and authors. All articles are subject to review by the editors and referees. Acceptance is based on significance, and originality of the material submitted. If the article is accepted for publication, it may be subject to editorial revisions to aid clarity and understanding without changing the data presented. The writers' names and placement that are indicated in the publishing rights endorsement form will be considered after the manuscript undergoes a scientific evaluation. After this stage; A writer's name cannot be added to the manuscript at any time except the writers who signed the publishing rights endorsement form, and the order of the writers' names cannot be changed. A written and annotated permission is needed from all the writers who are involved and the publishing house must be informed before removing any of the writers' names from the manuscript.
All authors should have contributed to the article directly either academically or scientifically. All persons designated as authors should meet all of the following criteria:
-Planned or performed the study,
-Wrote the paper or reviewed the versions,
-Approved the final version.
● It is the authors’ responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets scientific criteria.
The Journal adheres to the principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration ( and holds that all reported research involving “Human beings” conducted in accordance with such principles. Reports describing data obtained from research conducted in human participants must contain a statement in the Material and Methods section indicating approval by the institutional ethical review board and affirmation that INFORMED CONSENT was obtained from each participant.
• All papers reporting experiments using animals must include a statement in the Material and Methods section giving assurance that all animals have received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and indicating approval by the institutional ethical review board.
• Case reports should be accompanied by INFORMED CONSENT whether the identity of the patient is disclosed or not.
• If the proposed publication concerns any commercial product, the author must include in the cover letter a statement indicating that the author(s) has (have) no financial or other interest in the product or explaining the nature of any relation (including consultancies) between the author(s) and the manufacturer or distributor of the product.
• If “Ethics Committee Approval” must be obtained for an article, a document obtained from the ethics committee should be sent to “Online Article Processing” link on
• It is the authors’ responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets ethical criteria.
The Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery is an open access journal. All articles published by the Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License as from 2020.
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All retrospective, prospective and experimental research articles must be evaluated in terms of biostatics and it must be indicated together with the appropriate plan, analysis, and report. The Journal requires that an individual with expertise in the field or a biostatistician review these manuscripts prior to submission. Manuscripts will undergo further biostatistical review as required by the Journal after submission. See “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” on for additional information on statistical methods.
The official languages of the Journals are Turkish and English. Turkish Dictionary of Turkish Language Association or online dictionary which is in and also dictionaries which belongs to Turkish Medical Foundations must be taken into consideration in Turkish articles. Manuscripts and abstracts in English must be checked for language by an expert(s) and this should be mentioned in the cover letter. The individual responsible for English Language editing should be listed in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS if he/she is not in the author list. All spelling and grammar mistakes in the articles, which are sent, are corrected by our redaction committee without changing the data presented.
In accordance with the CC-BY-NC-ND license, the copyright of articles published in the Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery belongs to the authors. Under the 1976 Copyright Act, the commercial rights to the Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery belong to the publisher on behalf of the Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery Society.Statements and opinions expressed in the published material here are those of the author(s).
Author Rights:
∴ Authors have the same rights to share their articles in the same way expressed in Open Access.
∴ Authors can post their published articles to any noncommercial repository with a link to the appropriate DOI for the published version of the article, for noncommercial purposes.
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Manuscript writers are not paid by any means for their manuscripts.
All manuscripts submitted must be accompanied by the "TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT" that is available in FORMS.
Responsibility of the articles, figures and photos belongs to authors.
Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by relevant permission for their use from the copyright owner and/or authors.
The Journal publishes the following types of articles:
Original Research Articles: Original prospective or retrospective studies of basic or clinical investigations in areas relevant to medicine. Content:
- Abstract (200-250 words; the structured abstract contain the following sections: objective, material and methods, results, conclusion; English)
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Source of Finance
- Conflict of Interest
- Authorship Contributions
- References
Review Articles: The authors may be invited to write or may submit a review article. Re- views including the latest medical literature may be prepared on all medical topics. Authors who have published materials on the topic are preferred. Content:
- Abstract (200-250 words; without structural divisions; English)
- Titles on related topics
- References
Case Reports: Brief descriptions of a previously undocumented disease process, a unique unreported manifestation or treatment of a known disease process, or unique unreported complications of treatment regimens. They should include an adequate number of photos and figures. Content:
- Abstract (average 100-150 words; without structural divisions; English)
- Introduction
- Case report
- Discussion
- References
Editorial Commentary/Discussion: Evaluation of the original research article is done by the specialists of the field (except the authors of the research article) and it is published at the end of the related article.
Letters to the Editor: These are the letters that include different views, experiments, and questions of the readers about the manuscripts that were published in this journal in recent years and should be no more than 500 words. Content:
- There’s no title and abstract.
- The number of references should not exceed 5.
- Submitted letters should include a note indicating the attribution to an article (with the number and date) and the name, affiliation and address of the author(s) at the end.
- The answer to the letter is given by the editor or the author(s) of the manuscript and is published in the journal.
Scientific Letter: Presentations of the current cardiovascular topics with comments on published articles in related fields. Content:
- Abstract (100-150 words; without structural division; English)
- Titles on related topics
- References
Surgical Technique: These are articles in which surgical techniques are explained. Content:
- Abstracts (100-150 words; without structural division; English)
- Surgical techniques
- References
Differential Diagnosis: These are case reports which have topical importance. They include commentaries related to similar diseases. Content:
- Abstract (100-150 words; without structural divisions; English)
- Titles related to the subject
- References
Original Images: Self-explanatory figures or pictures on rare issues in literature. Content:
- Summary related to the subject and original images
What is Your Diagnosis?: These articles are related to diseases that are seen rarely and show differences in diagnosis and treatment, and they are prepared as questions-answers. Content:
- Titles related to the subject
- References (between 3 and 5)
Medical Book Reviews: Reviews and comments on current national and international medical books.
Questions and Answers: Scientific educational questions and answers on medical topics.
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION: Authors are encouraged to follow the following principles before submitting their material.
-The article should be written in IBM compatible computers with Microsoft Word.
Abbreviations that are used should be defined in parenthesis where the fill word is first mentioned. For commonly accepted abbreviations and usage, please refer to "Scientific Style and Format"1.
- All figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be cited at the end of the relevant sentence. Explanations about figures, pictures, tables, and graphics must be placed at the end of the article.
- Figures, pictures/photographs must be added to the system as separate .jpg or .gif files (approximately 500x400 pixels, 8 cm in width and scanned at 300 resolution).
- All abbreviations used, must be listed in the explanation which will be placed at the bottom of each figure, picture, table and graphic.
- For figures, pictures, tables, and graphics to be reproduced relevant permissions need to be provided. This permission must be mentioned in the explanation.
- Pictures/photographs must be in color, clear and with appropriate contrast to separate details.
The cover letter should include statements about manuscript category designation, single-journal submission affirmation, conflict of interest statement, sources of outside funding, equipment (if so), approval for language for articles in English and approval for statistical analysis for original research articles.
A concise, informative title (English), should be provided. All authors should be listed with academic degrees, ORCID numbers (, affiliations, addresses, office and mobile telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail and postal addresses. If the study was presented in a congress, the author(s) should identify the date/place of the congress of the study presented.
The abstracts should be prepared in accordance with the instructions in the “Categories of Articles” and placed in the article file.
-They should be minimally two, and should written English.
-The words should be separated by a semicolon (;), from each other.
-Keywords should be appropriate to “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)”
Conflict of interest, financial support, grants, and all other editorials (statistical analysis, language editing) and/or technical assistance if present, must be presented at the end of the text.
All sources of financial support if any for the project should be disclosed.
All authors should sign "CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT" that is available in FORMS.
All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other relevant interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their work.
All authors should sign "AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION FORM" that is available in FORMS.
All authors should sign "AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION FORM" that is available in FORMS.
References in the text should be numbered as superscript numbers and listed serially according to the order of mentioning on a separate page, double-spaced, at the end of the paper in numerical order. All authors should be listed if six or fewer, otherwise list the first six and add the et al. Journal abbreviations should conform to the style used in the Cumulated Index Medicus (please look at
Congress proceedings, personal experiences, unpublished publications, unpublished theses, and internet addresses cannot be cited as sources.
Examples for writing references (please give attention to punctuation): Format for journal articles; initials of author’s names and surnames, titles of the article, journal name, date, volume, number, and inclusive pages, must be indicated. Example: Stephane A. Management of Congenital Cholesteatoma with Otoendoscopic Surgery: Case Report. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 2010;30(2):803-7.
Format for books; initials of author’s names and surnames, chapter title, editor’s name, book title, edition, city, publisher, date, and pages. Example: Underwood LE, Van Wyk JJ. Normal and aberrant growth. In: Wilson JD, Foster DW, eds. Wiliams’ Textbook of Endocrinology. 1 st ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992. p.1079-138.
Format for books of which the editor and author are the same people; initials of author(s)’ editor(s)’ names and surnames chapter title, book title, edition, city, publisher, date, and pages. Example: Solcia E, Capella C, Kloppel G. Tumors of the exocrine pancreas. Tumors of the Pancreas. 2 nd ed. Washington: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 1997. p.145-210.
Format for on-line-only publications; DOI is the only acceptable on-line reference.
Address: Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery
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