ISSN: 1300 - 6525 E-ISSN: 2149 - 0880
journal of ear nose throat
and head neck surgery
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K.B.B. ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi 2 : 247-253
Copyright © 2020 by Turkey Association of Society of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
While until 30 years ago, the sole objective otologic surgery for chronic ear disease was to eliminate otorrhea and make the ear safe, today, to reconstruct the conductive mechanism is the most important aim. Chronic ear surgery has stimulated a great deal of experimentation in the use of nonbiologic implantable materials. Some of the biocompatible materials used for ossicular reconstruction are a large variety of plastics, ceramics, metals, glass inomer cement, carbon-carbon and the combination of these, table 1. The hearing succes rates for ossiculer reconstruction are generally reported in terms of closure of the air-bone gap just like as the succes rates for otosclerosis surgery. But the problems associated with reconstructed ears involved by chronic otitis media are quite different from those in patients suffering from otosclerosis. Normal auditory function requires the distribution of information from both cochleas. On the other hand the postoperative air threshold and the difference from those of other ear is more important than the air-bone gap of the operated ear for functional hearing. So it is difficult to say which of these prostheses possess superiority, in lack o/any consensus of reported succes rates.
1960 larda kronik otit cerrahisindeki amaç kuru bir kavite oluşturmakken, bugün önemli olan iletim rekonstriksiyonudur. Ossiküloplasti için plastik, seramik, metal gibi pek çok biyouyumlu protezler denenmiştir. Klinikler arası ortak kriterlerin olmaması ve kronik otitin çeşitli patolojik etkileri nedeniyle, ossiküloplasti için hangi protezin üstün olduğuna karar verilmesini güçleştirir.