ISSN: 1300 - 6525 E-ISSN: 2149 - 0880
journal of ear nose throat
and head neck surgery
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Our Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Results in Chronic Sinusitis
Kronik Sinüzitli Hastalarda Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Sonuçlarımız*
KBB ve BBC Dergisi, 14 (1-2-3): 33-38, 2006
Copyright © 2020 by Turkey Association of Society of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
In this study, 119 chronic sinusitis patients who were treated with endoscopic sinus surgery (ESC) between November 2002 and June 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. In total, 188 ESC were performed, 69 of the patients had surgery bilaterally, 50 of them had surgery unilaterally. In 65 cases nasal polipectomy, in 22 cases endoscopic septal surgery were performed. Although there were not any major complications postoperatively, minor complications were seen as follows: hemorrhage in 10 patients, synechia in 13 patients, subcutenous emphysema in 1 patient, periorbital emphysema in 3 and damage to lamina papyracea in 9 patients. The recurrence rate was found as 15.4% for nazal poliposis patients, and 9.2% for chronic sinusitis patients.
Bu çalısmada, Kasım 2002–Haziran 2005 tarihleri arasında kronik sinüzit ve nazal polip tanısı ile endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi (ESC) uyguladığımız 119 hasta retrospektif olarak incelenmistir. Hastalara, 69’unda iki taraflı, 50’sinde tek taraflı olmak üzere; toplam 188 ESC uygulandı. Hastalardan 65’ine nazal polipektomi, 22’sine septum deviasyonu nedeniyle endoskopik septum cerrahisi uygulanmıstır. Postoperatif majör komplikasyon görülmezken, minör komplikasyonlardan kanama 10, sinesi 13, cilt altı amfizemi 1, periorbital amfizem 3, lamina papiracea zedelenmesi 9 hastada görülmüstür. Hastaların takibinde polipli hastalarda %15.4 oranında nüks sinus hastalığı görülürken kronik sinüzitli hastalarda bu oran % 9.2 olarak bulunmustur.