The Relationship Between Eustachian Tube Diameter and Chronic Otitis Media DevelopmentFakih Cihat ERAVCIa,b, Gülsüm Kübra YILDIRIMc, Kürşat Murat ÖZCANa, Mustafa ÇOLAKa,
Selçuk PARLAKc, Hacı Hüseyin DEREaaDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Numune Education and Research Hospital of Ankara, Ankara, TURKEY
bDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Konya Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Meram Medicine, Konya, TURKEY
cDepartment of Radiology, Numune Education and Research Hospital of Ankara, Ankara, TURKEYDOI: 10.24179/kbbbbc.2020-77939 Sayfalar: 235 - 239 2085 kere görüntülendi.