ISSN: 1300 - 6525 E-ISSN: 2149 - 0880
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A Congenital Sublingual Teratoid Cyst Extending to the Hyoid Bone: A Case Report
Hiyoid Kemik Seviyesine Uzanan Konjenital Sublingual Teratoid Kist Vakası
KBB ve BBC Dergisi 19 (1):43-6, 2011
Copyright © 2020 by Turkey Association of Society of Ear Nose Throat and Head Neck Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Dermoid cysts are cavities which are lined by epithelium containing skin appendages. They are classified into three groups as dermoid, epidermoid and teratoid according to the histological type of tissues lining the cyst wall. The most effective method for the treatment is the surgical excision. This case reports a giant teratoid cyst located in the floor of the mouth descending to the hyoid bone level via transgeniohyoid route, which is surgically removed by intraoral approach. The cyst was excised via intraoral approach after decompression . The pathological report was a teratoid cyst.
Dermoid kistler, içerisinde cilt eklerini barındıran epitel ile çevrili kavitelerdir. Kist duvarını oluşturan dokunun histolojik tipine göre dermoid, epidermoid ve teratoid olarak üç grupta sınıflandırılır. Bu kistlerin tedavisinde en etkili metod, cerrahi eksizyondur. Sunulan bu vaka, intraoral yolla cerrahi eksizyon uygulanan ağız tabanı yerleşimli hiyoid düzeyine kadar uzanan büyük bir teratoid kist olgusudur. Kist dekompresyon sonrasında intraoral yaklaşımla cerrahi eksizyon yapılarak tedavi edildi. Patoloji sonucu teratoid kist olarak rapor edildi.